Homicidal Amber

Hello. So, at first I should introduce me. My name is Lisa and I’m 21 years old. I'm currently going to school. But that's not what I want to tell you here.
I live with my Mam. But 3 weeks ago, I was living with my dad. Everything's been about 1 week and I try as best as I can, to understand everything. But it’s very difficult for me. I try here, as much as possible, to tell you my story. So let's start ...
It started with the fact that my father and his new wife moved from the big city to a small town on the land. When I was two, my parents had divorced and when I was about 4, my father had found his new wife and shortly thereafter, they became also children: My little 10 year old half-brother Alex and a 16-year-old half-sister called Amber.
So it all started with a Move. The house was very nice. Alex run of course immediately into it. Amber stayed in the car, seemed not to have noticed that we were already there. She just staring into space. Maybe I should mention that Amber was mentally handicapped. I don’t really know what she has, but something of a subtype of schizophrenia without a multiple personality.
I shook her slightly by the arm and shouted: "Amber! We're here! " She slapped me and scream:" SHUT UP AND DON’T SCREAM TO ME! " My stepmother took me directly away from her, because Amber got back one of her tantrums. She became one of her crises, but when she calmed down, she got out. She looked around and smiled as she said: "Beautiful, but here are surely many colors." Her mother nodded. Amber is also colorblind.
"Go! Search you’re a bedroom.", our father said. Amber nodded and ran happily and laughing into the house. She is, apart from severe mood swings, otherwise quite normal. Nevertheless, the doctor had decided that Amber should not go to a normal school, so she was most of the time at home.
She probably went to a special school, but this only a few times a week. But what was pleasing and funny, was the fact that she is very intelligent. Whenever I came home from school and did homework, she watched me, read my school books and made one or two of the questions. Sometimes, I think, she could also go to an normal school. Because she solved the tasks that I never caught on. Just for fun I've given to her once the questions from a test and she had almost everything right! That was creepy!
Anyway. So we moved into the new house and lived us a plenty fast. In school it worked great for my brother and me. My father's work also went well. My stepmother was a homewife and stayed with Amber, if she haven’t school.
We already lived there 2 weeks. In my school, it worked very great. I had also met a boy, he was pretty nice. His name was Tom. So we wanted doing homework together and I invited him at my home. My parents had no problem with that. We sat in my room and learned together.
"What are you doing?"
Tom got almost a half heart attack and I fell off the chair. "Amber!" I yelled at my sister, who was standing right behind us. "Why do you sneak like that?" - "I don’t," she said, looking at me. Her gray eyes sparkled somehow funny as her head slowly turned to Tom. "And you are?" - "I, um, I ..." he stammered, trying to recover from the shock. "Um, Amber, this is Tom. He is a friend. Tom, that's my sister Amber. " I explained "Um, hi.", Tom said, handing Amber's hand. However, she stared at his hand in disgust. "Mmm." Was all she said, then she turned to me. "What's he doing here?" - ". We learn together," I said. "And what?", Amber hacked at.
"Amber." I sighed. "Please go." She looked at me as if I had popped her one. Then she nodded slowly, turned and shuffled away. Tom looked at me. "This is Amber?" He asked, confused. "I thought she is disabled." – “She is," I said, looking in the books.
"Do I look disabled?" Amber's voice came. I turned around. Amber stood in the doorway. "Amber." I hissed "Go!" Again she disappeared. "Where were we?" Tom asked, leaning toward me. "During photosynthesis." I replied.
"Do you want to fuck her?"
"Damn Amber!" I screamed and jumped up. I grabbed my sister by the collar. "Get out! You are in the way for learning! "
I knew my reaction was wrong and could trigger a crisis at her, but I was so angry at the moment, I had no control. And then this question?!?! But Amber did nothing, just looked at me with wide eyes, but she was not afraid. "In the way." She only repeated. "Um, I'm sorry." I said, and let of from her. "Just go, Amber and do not come back” Amber went out and closed the door. And it also remained closed ...
It was late and my stepmother had Tom offered to eat with us at night. "And how is Lisa doing so in school?" My father asked. "Dad!" I blurted out. "What?" He asked laughing. "Haven’t I the right to ask?" - "Ehm well, Sir," Tom said. "Nice to meet you." Said my father. "Are you Lisa's friend?" Asked Alex. I shot the redness in the face. "Alex, he is A friend. Not MY friend. "I said. Tom began to cough, because it was a bit embarrassing. My parents just giggled.
"Do you want something Tom?" Asked my stepmother. "I want something!" Exclaimed Amber and held out her plate. "First our guests, Amber." Her Mam exhorted and looked at Tom. "Um, no thanks. I'm full. But thank you., "Tom said gently. My mother turned to Amber and asked, "What can I give you " - "Nothing," growled Amber. "I passed the appetite." She stood up and walked out of the kitchen. "Amber?" My father called after her. "We are not finish with eating, stay seated!" - "NO!" Shouted Amber out of the living room and slammed the door.
There was a short silence before we hear Amber’s screaming like crazy and as the living room has been demolished.
My stepmother cleared his throat and sat down again. All were silent in the kitchen, while Amber was shouting like fool. "I, uh think I better go now." Said Tom. "Thanks for the meal, it was pleased to met you."
I accompanied him to the door. "So, we'll see us tomorrow at school, yes?" He asked. "Yes." I said a little weak. "I'm sorry for Amber. But she is sick, she cannot for it. "-"You do not need to apologize" Tom said. "I understand that already. So, see you tomorrow. "He went to his car and drove away. When I wanted to go back inside, I saw that Amber was standing at the living room window and had seen us. Her eyes were filled with hatred. Then she drew the curtains and turned off the light.
I went back into the house and heard Amber run up the stairs to her room. "Dad." I muttered, as I came into the kitchen again. "I think Amber is somehow jealous." - "Why should she be jealous?," my father asked. "That is one only when he is in love." Alex said. "I think she is angry because we have paid Tom more attention in her eyes as herself." I mumbled. "Amber has often such attacks." Said my stepmother. "Don’t break your mind over it."
But I racked my brains over and had a sleepless night. But Amber also, I heard her ran up and down in her room, sometimes she hit the wall and I heard again and again the words: "In the way"
But the next morning everything was fine and the next two days too.
But then Tom asked me in school, if we could study again together. I liked that guy and agreed. But I made sure that Amber should not be in the house, or at least was employed.
On the day my father was free and I asked him if he could not do something with Amber. He had indeed taken time off because he wanted to cut some wood for the fireplace, but he said he could take Amber with. So when Tom and I drove in his car in our driveway, we saw how my dad and Amber got into the van. Dad wore typical lumberjack clothes. Amber had put a Jean-Short, but including a black leggings. High brown boots and a plaid blue shirt like Dad, including a white top. She seemed not to notice us, seemed very happy and like a small child turned up as usual.
So the day went very well. Alex helped my mother baking and brought Tom and me afterwards cookies. We did the homework and then we watched a few movies. I leaned against Tom and he put his arm around me.
I have to admit, it had sparked between us. I carefully looked up at him. He looked me straight in the eyes and before I knew it, he kissed me. Of course I returned the kiss. I heard the door below opened and Dad and Amber came back. I heard the steps coming up and I heard my bedroomdoor opened ...
"HEY !!!"
I was startled and pulled away from Tom. Looked scared to Amber, she stood in the doorway. "Amber!" I yelled. No idea if it was because I was scared, or angry. It was probably the latter, because I yelled at her: "Cann’t you even leave me alone? I'm sick of you appending to me like a leech! Always! Let me finally get my rest and get of! "
"I’m standing in the way?", Amber inquire growling. "Yes! Yes, you are standing in the way! You always stand in the way! You stand in everyone’s way! Because of you we have to move! Because of you, your Mam does not work! You're just in the way! Go away! "I shouted.
"Lisa." Tom tried to calm me and pulled me over. "Calm down." - "How then," I cried. "She just bugs me!" I buried my face in his shoulder, as I had tears running down. Tom and Amber looked at each other. "Just go." He said then.
"The only one here is in the way, are you!" Growled Amber and I heard she left the room. But in the stairs she called then: "Dinner is ready!"
Dinner was unusually quiet, because everyone seemed to feel the tension. Amber just stared at Tom and he felt very uncomfortable about it. "Amber, stop it." I growled at her. "Papa has sawed trees that stood in the way." She murmured. "What are you talking about Amber-honey?" Her mother asked. "And he is in the way." Amber continued, but it was hard to understand. "Amber!" I yelled. "Enough!" - "What have you two?" my father snapped at us. "I'm leaving." Growled Amber. "I'm just in the way." She stood up to leave, but her Mam stood in her way ...
"You stay sitting until we are done eating." She said. Amber glared at her, but did not move.
"Sit." Commanded her Mam. Amber showed no reaction.
"Amber, sit down." Now also said Alex.
"You're in my way!" Growled Amber. Then she slapped her own mother with his fist in the stomach. She reared panting forwards. Amber just walked past her.
"Honey!", My father called up and hurried to his wife. "Mama!" Alex cried in panic. "I'm going, I'm sorry." Tom said, and walked out of the kitchen. "Tom, wait." I cried and hurried after him. He stood at the front door and jerked it, but it was locked ...
"W-Why is your door locked?" He asked, looking at me quizzically. "Amber! This will have a sequel! "I heard my father from the kitchen. But then there was silence as we heard noises from the basement.
Rattling noise. And the volatile smell of petrol. "Is that ..." Tom looked at me frantically. My heart beat faster instantly. "A chainsaw?"
"I want to see that." Came Ambers childish voice from the basement. Steps were heard, then the basement door closed and the engine sounds were clearly heard.
"Let's gonna cut some people who stand in my way!" Amber laughed. Her laugh was sick, really sick. That could not be more Amber!
"Shit!" Tom hissed, grabbing my wrist and ran with me up the stairs. "But ..." I gasped. "My family!" Screams from the kitchen. "Amber! Don’t!" I heard Alex. "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Tears ran down my cheeks as Tom and I came in my room. He pulled out his cell phone and called the police. I ran up and down. This could not be true! What is going on with Amber? She wouldn’t kill us, right? RIGHT?
Someone came running up the stairs.
"Lisa!" Shouted Alex. "Amber has Papa, she has, she has ... Open up!" I ran to the door and wanted to unlock it. My little brother! But Tom held me.
The engine noise came nearer and nearer.
"Lisa! LISA! Open it! PLEASE! "Shouted Alex and pounding frantically on the door.
"Tom!" I yelled. " Amber is going to kill him! He's just a child! "But he did not let me to the door.
"Lisa ... AMBER! NO! AMBER! It's me! Your brother! No! NOOOOOOOOO ... "I heard my brother scream. The engine sounds were now directly in front of the door.
"You’re standing in my way!" Growled Amber and Alex shouting died ...
I could not breathe. No longer think clearly. What had happened?
Blood ran under the door. "Oh no!" I gasped. Tom ran to the window and opened it. "We have to jump." He hissed. My brother, my poor brother ...
"Lisa!" Amber laughed outside. "Open the door Lisa!"
Amber threw herself against the wooden door, over and over again.
"MAKE THE DOOR ON LISA !!!" she screamed.
I stumbled back a few steps. "Lisa! Spring! "Shouted Tom and pulled me to the window. But I could not.
The old door gave up and Amber stumbled into the room. In her hand the running chainsaw. She was all over with blood. On her face was a sickly grin as she lifted the chainsaw.
"Where are you going?" She asked laughing. "Do you want me to go out of the way?"
"Lisa spring!" Shouted Tom and stood protectively in front of me.
"You’re standing in my way!" Shouted Amber.
I ducked, closed my eyes and held my ears.
Something warm sprayed on my face. I was scared, but I forced myself to open my eyes. My fear was a fact. I had to throw up ...
Amber had cut Tom with the chainsaw in two halves. There was blood! So much blood! All over! BLOOD!
I stared at this monster, what was my sister. She grinned down at the parts of Tom, then she turned slowly to me. "And you’re also standing in the way, Lisa!" She giggled.
Adrenaline rose up in me. I jumped up and ran, but Amber was right behind me. I ran out, but I stumbled over the body parts of my brother. I fell down the stairs and landed right next to my dead stepmother.
I screamed in panic, but I stood up.
"Where are you going?" Amber laughed. She stood at the top of the stairs. I ran into the kitchen, just jumped over my father. The blood was injected through the whole kitchen, even on the ceiling. But I am forced not to see that. I had to get out of here!
I grabbed a kitchen knife and ran into the hall. Here hung Tom’s jacket. I rummaged around in panic and found equal to his car keys.
"Lisa, Lisa, Lisa." Smiled Amber and stood 5 feet away from me. "Why are you going right now out of my way?"
"You're sick!" I shouted at her.
Ambers grin smudge a hateful face. She ran up to me and I shot reflexively the knife at her.
With a painful scream Amber dropped the chainsaw and pulled the knife from her leg. I take this opportunity and ran past her, because the door was locked. I ran into the living room.
"Did not even hurt!" I heard Amber.
I did not hesitate and jumped through the window.
It clanged loudly and I felt thousands of stitches, when I came up with all the shards in the grass. I scrambled up hastily and ran to our driveway. Where was the police?
"Oh Lisa!" I heard Amber behind me. "You're in my way!"
I ran faster and faster.
I reached the car and closed it on with trembling fingers. Swung me behind the wheel and started the car.
From afar, I saw Amber in the darkness coming towards me.
The car jumped on, the lights lit up everything. So also Amber, who was blinded shortly. I drove out of the driveway onto the road and away. But the picture of Amber did not go out of my head ...
Of further I know nothing more.
I was probably fainted and beige addressed somewhere.
I woke up in a hospital. And now I'm here at home with my Mam and try to come up clear all: My family was dead, my friend was dead. Only I had survived. And my sister was… a Killer…
But the worst was when the police told me that when they arrived at me, no one was there: Amber was gone.
I do not know where she is. She is out there somewhere. The police are looking for her, but until now without success. And there were more deaths, running with a chainsaw.
Performed by Amber ...
I hope that they will find Amber and stop her. She is sick and she need help. And ...
Wait ... what? What's that smell?
Petrol and blood?
Morbid hysterical laughter sounded behind me.
I do not dare to turn around ...
My heart beats faster ...
My breath is accelerating ...
That cannot be true!
"And still standing in my way, Lisa!"
''Credit to [http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/User:Lady_Schizophrenia Lady Schizoprenia]''